Financial Specialist



Financial Specialist

As an intern, I find this city very comfortable, where I meet a lot of students and have fun with them. I also found many people with whom I used to play football every weekend via Facebook groups. People around me are very nice to me and they are very supportive in many ways. It's good to see happy faces every morning while going to the office.

What does the internship include?

You must love to work with excel while being accurate and have a critical eye for detail whilst prioritizing your workload to deliver deadlines.

  • Overseeing Management Accounts - Bank reconciliation.
  • Monthly wage and payments - Quarterly VAT returns.
  • Invoice management and payment.
  • General financial forecasts and cash flow management.


  • University Bachelor or Master’s Degree in a relevant field: accounting, finance, informatics.
  • A burning passion for online businesses & Startups.
  • Ability to work with numbers and analyzing data.
  • You have an interest in analytical and Excel reporting skills.
  • Ability to take initiatives, creativity, communicative personality.
  • Having experience in accounting administration is a plus.
  • Have an eye for details.
  • Good organization skills.
  • Results-driven.
  • Enthusiastic to learn, improve, and develop yourself personally.


  • The internship is 100 euro per month; 
  • Erasmus+ grant, (we are a registered Erasmus+ company and able to apply with your University)

Task Management, Time Management, and Goal Setting:

  •  You will develop skills in organizing and prioritizing tasks using our specialized software and working methods. This includes learning to set realistic goals and manage your time efficiently to meet deadlines.
  • Reconciliation of Invoices and Bank Transactions:
    - Gain hands-on experience in ensuring that invoices and bank transactions are accurately recorded and matched. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of financial records.
  • Locating Invoices:
    - Learn techniques for efficiently finding and retrieving invoices, which is essential for maintaining organized and accessible financial documentation.
  • Supporting the Accountant:
    - Assist the accountant with documentation and calculations. This provides valuable insight into the accounting process and enhances your analytical skills.
  • Creating Profit and Loss Sheets:
    - Develop the ability to create detailed profit and loss statements, which are vital for assessing the financial performance of the business.
  • Managing Invoicing Google Sheets:
    - Create and update multiple invoicing Google Sheets. This task involves learning advanced Excel formulas to automate and streamline invoicing processes.
  • Creating Yearly Reports:
    - Learn to compile comprehensive yearly reports, including reconciliation, bookkeeping review, trial balance, income statements, balance sheets, and profit & loss sheets. This gives a holistic understanding of annual financial cycles.
  • Working with Xero:
    - Gain proficiency in using Xero, a widely-used financial software. Understanding how to operate such software is crucial for modern financial management.
  • Automating Processes with Google Sheets:
    - Implement automation in various working processes using Google Sheets. This skill helps in improving efficiency and accuracy in financial tasks.
  • Working with Automation Software:
    - Install and configure processes to automate many aspects of work, providing exposure to technological integration in finance.

Bonus Trainings:

  • Amazon and Marketplace Ecommerce Training: (value 3990.- Euro)
    - Receive comprehensive training on Amazon and marketplace ecommerce, enhancing your understanding of online business operations and strategies.
  • Personal Coaching on Future Goals: (value 1500,- Euro)
    - Benefit from personalized coaching to help you set and achieve future career goals, ensuring you have a clear path to professional success.
  • Job Search Training in the Finance Sector: (value 500,- euro)
    - Get tailored training on finding a job in the finance sector in the Netherlands, equipping you with the necessary skills and knowledge to secure employment in this field.

Extras You Get with This Internship:

  • Attending Ecommerce and Finance Events:
    - Gain opportunities to attend events related to ecommerce and finance. This exposure helps you network with industry professionals and stay updated on the latest trends and practices.
  • Experiencing a Startup Environment:
    - Experience the dynamic and fast-paced environment of a startup. This setting offers valuable lessons in innovation, adaptability, and teamwork, preparing you for diverse professional scenarios.


  • Flexible start date.
  • A 6-12 month internship.
  • All communication is done in English.
  • The language of Dutch, German, French, or Chinese is an advantage.
  • Full-time work, 40 hours a week.



    6 Months internship, full time, with flexible starting dates based on your university’s schedule. Our compensation is 100  Euro per month but we are a registered Erasmus+ organization and all interns in Europe can apply for the highest monthly grant through their University. 

  • Exciting environment

    Our office is the perfect place in which to express your passion, talents and develop your skills. We combine the essence of a corporate company with the spirit of a startup and don’t forget: both Foreign and Dutch speakers are welcome to join the team!


    You will get the opportunity to develop in the fields you find interesting. As an OFoundation trooper, you will be invited to several self growth workshops and Amazon training events. Applying for your internship means to both learn from us and to help define and shape the next growth steps of our organization.